Restaurant review: Dolce & Crepes
Encountering Andrew Huang (黃學正) is like meeting a kung-fu master. Only this master’s uncontested prowess is of a gastronomic kind, manifested through his creative compositions that are the exuberant synthesis of distinctive flavors and aromas. And instead of setting up a school to procure fame and disciples, the martial artist chooses to live among us, in an unostentatious residential neighborhood near Taipei’s Xingtian Temple (行天宮).
Huang’s Dolce & Crepes is literally in his home, with his two elementary school-aged daughters often seen doing homework on a round table in the living room that doubles as the dining area, where patrons eagerly await the feast they ordered from the menu scribbled on the wall.
It is under this domestic veneer that Huang works his magic. Using nothing more than the usual pots and pans, he produces dishes of a culinary refinement on a par with that of Taipei’s top fine dining establishments.
Patrons are given full attention upon entering the simply decorated room. Huang takes the time to give a detailed explanation of how the food is prepared and cooked and to suggest wine and drinks to accompany the meal. The owner and chef seems to have a natural ability to describe the nuance of flavors and his luscious combinations of ingredients in a very vivid way, luring diners into an epicurean fantasy that preludes the banquet to come.
Huang’s menu contains only around a dozen dishes, but each is hard to resist. The chocolate duck leg confit (油封鴨腿, NT$380), for example, consists of lean meat cooked to tender perfection and seasoned in an appetizing vinegar-based sauce, while the aroma of cocoa delivers an exciting punch to the meat. Huang says the duck leg is marinated and roasted in extra-virgin olive oil instead of duck or goose oil so as to give the French specialty a fruity and less cloying flavor.
Address: 31, Ln 330 Songjiang Rd, Taipei City (台北市松江路330巷31號)
Telephone: (0910) 202-340
Open: Business hours are subject to change. The restaurant’s Facebook page says it’s open from 2:30pm to 8:30pm on Sundays, and 9:30am to 8:30pm on other days of the week, but it is better to call for a confirmation before going. The restaurant is closed on Wednesdays
Average meal: NT$1,000, plus 10% service charge
Details: Menu in Chinese, credit cards not accepted
The lamb shoulder stewed with figs and apricots (無花果杏桃燉羊肩, NT$680) is another delicate composition which sees the divine match of fresh figs and succulent lamb exploding in the mouth, smoothened by the sweetness of apricots and sauteed vegetables.
The Chinese culinary influences also have a strong presence on Huang’s menu. The Sichuan-style spicy chicken (川麻口水雞, NT$580) and king oyster mushroom (川麻杏鮑菇, NT$580) use various types of Sichuan pepper to create an enticing, tongue-numbing sensation, and the homemade pepper oil and sauce taste so good that it is almost a crime not to lick the bowl clean.
For seafood lovers, Huang’s popular plate of crabs with deep-fried garlic chips (NT$2,000 or NT$1,000 depending on the types of crab) is definitely a high point of a visit to Dolce & Crepes. Though we weren’t there during crab season, the crustaceans Huang picked for my dining companions and me last month were satisfactorily plump and sweet, buried under the savory layers of garlic chips and doushi (豆鼓), or fermented black soybean, that are fried using olive oil till they are crispy.
Vegetarians are also in for a surprise. Fun to look at and pleasant to taste, the roasted balloon with mushroom juice (菌汁烤氣球, NT$220) is a specially sauced bean curd that puffs up when roasted and contracts after cooling down. The end result is a large piece of bean curd that is firm on the outside but retains a fine, soft texture on the inside.
Affable and well-informed, Huang appears to be a versatile master with hidden talents and skills. A word of reminder: Please leave smelly socks at home because diners are required to take off their shoes before entering Huang’s home-cum-restaurant.
- 0910202340
- 台北市中山區松江路330巷31號
- 絕對隱藏版 「邪惡黑糖起司可麗餅」一吃就愛上▲ 最像家的隱藏版餐廳,非「Dolce&Crepes」莫屬。(圖/記者陳姿吟攝) 記者陳姿吟/台北報導 如果喜歡隱藏版的小店,Dolce&Crepes絕對是隱藏版中的隱藏版,店裡滿是隨性的態度,對食材的用心卻是滲透在客人嚥下的每一口食物裡。 被老闆稱為「史上最邪惡」的黑糖起司可麗餅,除了口味驚奇,黑糖與起司意外融合的美味,外薄脆內餡「牽絲」展現老闆廚藝的不凡。 看起來像一般住宅的店面,一進門要先脫鞋,老闆黃學正說:「因為要把你認識的世界擺在外面」,黃學正與兩個好友共同經營 Dolce&Crepes,把店經營得像家,甚至還有床在店裡面,不刻意修飾的感覺反而成為獨特的風格;黃學正笑著說這邊原本只是「好朋友的秘密 基地」,鄰居經過聞到咖啡香,來問是不是有賣咖啡,促成這家奇趣的小店。 絕對隱藏版 「邪惡黑糖起司可麗餅」一吃就愛上▲ 最像家的隱藏版餐廳,非「Dolce&Crepes」莫屬。(圖/記者陳姿吟攝) 記者陳姿吟/台北報導 如果喜歡隱藏版的小店,Dolce&Crepes絕對是隱藏版中的隱藏版,店裡滿是隨性的態度,對食材的用心卻是滲透在客人嚥下的每一口食物裡。 被老闆稱為「史上最邪惡」的黑糖起司可麗餅,除了口味驚奇,黑糖與起司意外融合的美味,外薄脆內餡「牽絲」展現老闆廚藝的不凡。 看起來像一般住宅的店面,一進門要先脫鞋,老闆黃學正說:「因為要把你認識的世界擺在外面」,黃學正與兩個好友共同經營 Dolce&Crepes,把店經營得像家,甚至還有床在店裡面,不刻意修飾的感覺反而成為獨特的風格;黃學正笑著說這邊原本只是「好朋友的秘密 基地」,鄰居經過聞到咖啡香,來問是不是有賣咖啡,促成這家奇趣的小店。 ▲進到這裡可以完全的放鬆,隨性的態度在「菜譜」上也看得到。(圖/記者陳姿吟攝) 說到店裡的餐點,黃學正是其中的靈魂人物,對料理涉入極深的他沒有侷限,常常發揮創意增添新菜色,像是在料理螃蟹的過程中甚至餵酒給螃蟹喝,大閘蟹餵陳年紹興、花蟹餵米酒或白酒,完全顛覆料理的想像。 「邪惡」的黑糖起司可麗餅,餅皮酥脆內餡細軟還會「牽絲」,濃濃的黑糖香和起司香互不搶戲,且完全不著舌、不黏牙,是從沒嚐過的獨特口味可麗餅。 ▲邪惡的黑糖起司可麗餅,餅皮酥脆內餡細軟還會「牽絲」。(圖/記者陳姿吟攝) 另外超特別的還有「菌汁烤氣球」,主角原來是醃過的百頁豆腐,運用四種不同品種的菇類製成高湯浸泡,再淋上獨門醬汁進靠烤箱高溫慢烤,百頁豆腐會因溫度增加而像氣球一般膨脹,嚐起來外皮焦脆、保有豆腐本身的軟嫩,不僅名稱特別,口感也讓人驚奇! ▲菌汁烤氣球主角原來是醃過的百頁豆腐,嚐起來外皮焦脆、保有豆腐本身的軟嫩,口感也讓人驚奇!(圖/記者陳姿吟攝) ▲沒有名字的蝦,僅搭配奶油檸檬,品嚐蝦的清甜。(圖/記者陳姿吟攝) Dolce&Crepes是一間因為美食而存在的店,三個老闆樂在其中,來到這裡就像進入一個大家庭,馬上融入愉悅的氣氛裡。黃學正說,曾 有一對夫妻在此嚐完餐點後告訴他,原來妻子剛被檢驗出罹患癌症,但這裡卻讓他們完全忘記重病的打擊,讓黃學正相當感動。就像是 Dolce&Crepes的標誌一隻微笑帶著翅膀的豬,黃學正說牠是「天上掉下來的豬,來自天堂的美食,甜蜜又幸福。」 ▲小本本裡有滿滿的感謝留言;牆上的留言則是要「限時挑戰」,成功者可獲得免費咖啡。(圖/記者陳姿吟攝) ▲神秘的豬頭巧克力是85%的巧克力直接加熱倒入鮮奶,就成了濃濃的巧克力熱飲。(圖/記者陳姿吟攝) 【店家資訊】 Dolce&Crepes 地址:台北市松江路330巷31號 電話:0910─202─340 (營業時間不定,要來請打電話!) 銷類金額:菌汁烤氣球220元、蝦380元 原文網址: 絕對隱藏版 「邪惡黑糖起司可麗餅」一吃就愛上 | ETtoday旅遊新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 Follow us: @ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook...
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