
Restaurant review: Dolce & Crepes

By Ho Yi  /  Staff reporter

There is no shortage of culinary goodies at Dolce & Crepes.

Photo: Ho Yi, Taipei Times

Encountering Andrew Huang (黃學正) is like meeting a kung-fu master. Only this master’s uncontested prowess is of a gastronomic kind, manifested through his creative compositions that are the exuberant synthesis of distinctive flavors and aromas. And instead of setting up a school to procure fame and disciples, the martial artist chooses to live among us, in an unostentatious residential neighborhood near Taipei’s Xingtian Temple (行天宮).

Huang’s Dolce & Crepes is literally in his home, with his two elementary school-aged daughters often seen doing homework on a round table in the living room that doubles as the dining area, where patrons eagerly await the feast they ordered from the menu scribbled on the wall.

It is under this domestic veneer that Huang works his magic. Using nothing more than the usual pots and pans, he produces dishes of a culinary refinement on a par with that of Taipei’s top fine dining establishments.

Patrons are given full attention upon entering the simply decorated room. Huang takes the time to give a detailed explanation of how the food is prepared and cooked and to suggest wine and drinks to accompany the meal. The owner and chef seems to have a natural ability to describe the nuance of flavors and his luscious combinations of ingredients in a very vivid way, luring diners into an epicurean fantasy that preludes the banquet to come.

Huang’s menu contains only around a dozen dishes, but each is hard to resist. The chocolate duck leg confit (油封鴨腿, NT$380), for example, consists of lean meat cooked to tender perfection and seasoned in an appetizing vinegar-based sauce, while the aroma of cocoa delivers an exciting punch to the meat. Huang says the duck leg is marinated and roasted in extra-virgin olive oil instead of duck or goose oil so as to give the French specialty a fruity and less cloying flavor.

Dolce & Crepes

Address: 31, Ln 330 Songjiang Rd, Taipei City (台北市松江路330巷31號)

Telephone: (0910) 202-340

Open: Business hours are subject to change. The restaurant’s Facebook page says it’s open from 2:30pm to 8:30pm on Sundays, and 9:30am to 8:30pm on other days of the week, but it is better to call for a confirmation before going. The restaurant is closed on Wednesdays

Average meal: NT$1,000, plus 10% service charge

Details: Menu in Chinese, credit cards not accepted

The lamb shoulder stewed with figs and apricots (無花果杏桃燉羊肩, NT$680) is another delicate composition which sees the divine match of fresh figs and succulent lamb exploding in the mouth, smoothened by the sweetness of apricots and sauteed vegetables.

The Chinese culinary influences also have a strong presence on Huang’s menu. The Sichuan-style spicy chicken (川麻口水雞, NT$580) and king oyster mushroom (川麻杏鮑菇, NT$580) use various types of Sichuan pepper to create an enticing, tongue-numbing sensation, and the homemade pepper oil and sauce taste so good that it is almost a crime not to lick the bowl clean.

For seafood lovers, Huang’s popular plate of crabs with deep-fried garlic chips (NT$2,000 or NT$1,000 depending on the types of crab) is definitely a high point of a visit to Dolce & Crepes. Though we weren’t there during crab season, the crustaceans Huang picked for my dining companions and me last month were satisfactorily plump and sweet, buried under the savory layers of garlic chips and doushi (豆鼓), or fermented black soybean, that are fried using olive oil till they are crispy.

Vegetarians are also in for a surprise. Fun to look at and pleasant to taste, the roasted balloon with mushroom juice (菌汁烤氣球, NT$220) is a specially sauced bean curd that puffs up when roasted and contracts after cooling down. The end result is a large piece of bean curd that is firm on the outside but retains a fine, soft texture on the inside.

Affable and well-informed, Huang appears to be a versatile master with hidden talents and skills. A word of reminder: Please leave smelly socks at home because diners are required to take off their shoes before entering Huang’s home-cum-restaurant.

  • Dolce & Crepes 充滿食趣的小店   2013/06/24 13:36:55發表 / 135 人次瀏覽 / 獲得點數 80 點 ( 不知點數功能? 說明 / 查看 我的帳戶 ) Jia Wei Chang 造訪 Dolce & Crepes 平均消費:[晚上]700元/人 本次滿意度: 4.85 美味度5.00 服務品質5.00 裝潢氣氛3.50 CP值5.00 作者曾發表過 35 篇文章、 12 篇短評、 35 張照片, 目前被 9 人關注 我要關注    Dolce &Crepes 隱藏在行天宮捷運站旁的小巷中,會踏入這間店也是老妹的朋友帶我們來的,吃過一次後對店裡的餐總是念念不忘,所以接續也帶過幾個同事朋友來店裡用餐,店裡的擺設跟主人一樣很隨性也很輕鬆,是一間很特別的創意料理店。   這回來又多了許多菜色,我們點了菌汁考汽球+聖火汁、油封鴨腿(奇味)、手工麵包、川麻口水雞+Faust、兩份升級成套餐、最後是今天來的目的提拉米蘇。   小飛豬的手工麵包可不是蓋的,烤的酥脆用手撥開會有喀嚓的一聲,麵包香氣十足又有韌度,沾著橄欖油或是後來上桌的鴨腿醬口味都很搭。   scone加上隨季節變化的果醬,每次來都要猜猜今日果醬口味。   加了五印醋、巴什米克醋和胡椒的沙拉,我想會用這種搭配的也只有這邊吧!    油封鴨腿(奇味),鴨肉非常有彈性且連盤底的醬都吃的出鴨香味。   菌汁考汽球+聖火汁,這道是百頁豆腐料理,泡過菌汁醬料後再送入烤箱將表皮烤的酥脆,質地吃起來很滑順。很難想像以往在滷味攤或是火鍋店最不愛吃到的百頁豆腐,居然可以做成口味很精緻的料理,搭配沒有酒精的聖火汁大大提昇整體的口感喔!   因 為在場有兩位無法吃辣,所以我們點了小辣的川麻口水雞,雞肉吃起來好嫩唷!醬料的層次感超豐富的,沾了一口有點微酸微麻的感覺,之後突如其來的香菜味會擴 散到整個口腔,但是搭配著雞肉吃卻不會有喧賓奪主的感覺,總覺得這沾將應該要吃大辣才過癮呀!洋蔥最後再品嚐,讓他泡在醬汁裡的時間越長嗆辣味越低。   Faust是搭配川麻口水雞的飲品,想知道搭配起來有什麼口感嘛?那就來店裡試試看吧!   套餐有的玉米汁,是用新鮮的玉米直接打的,溫溫的喝起來很甜又帶著濃厚的玉米香。    點了榛果巧克力和黑糖起司可麗餅作為套餐的甜點,原本想點推薦的花生醬起司可麗餅,但是起司都被拿來做提拉米蘇了,所以今天殘念的沒吃到。    再來就是今天來的目的,用餅乾做成的提拉米蘇帶著淡淡的咖啡香,外層微甜的醬汁搭配有咬感的巧克力,每一口吃起來都有不同的感受,一反坊間甜到膩又加上過分凸顯咖啡香料的單一口感,真是目前吃過最好吃的提拉米蘇。 今天很有口福的,老闆宅配了一整箱的蚵仔剛好送到店裡,所以在場的大家就額外好吃的蚵仔料理(有兩種不同的調味唷!),再搭配上Chardonnay又打開了我不一樣的味蕾世界。    很推薦大家來Dolce & Crepes來品嚐好料理,但是來之前可能要先打個電話詢問有沒有開店,畢竟這是一間很隨性又充滿驚喜的小店。     Dolce & Crepes 地址:台北市中山區松江路330巷31號 電話:0910202340 facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dolce-Crepes/201758479874591     躺在Agar上的Microorgaism
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