【銅樹生花】林佑森 2017 創作個展
開幕:2017.05.06(六)15:00 pm
“Socket Tree in Flower” Lam YauSum 2017 Solo Exhibition
Opening:2017.05.06(六)15:00 pm
Venue: Fish Art Center
The solo exhibition of Lam YauSum is going to hold from 5th May to 4th June at Fish Art Center and the opening of the exhibition will be host on 6th May. This exhibition, “ Socket Tree in Flower”, would show the latest sculptures by Lam to showcase the organic cityscape hidden in the artist’s vision.The growth of plantations among the slits of water-pipes and infrastructures has set off Lam in devising his epitome of contemporary industrial forests. Using the water-pipes and abandoned electronic components as the trunks, wires on circuit board as the branches and rust as leaves, the artist deconstructed the ready-mades and infused them with an organic, invigorated life-form.
Derived from the plantations growing among the slits of water-pipes, Lam sees the confluence between cityscape and the Nature. As if the artist revealed his surprise of his discovery, Lam translated his observation of the blurred boundary of artificial and natural into tangible mixed media works combine with an organic touch. The plantations seed the wired-trees in each piece while the rusting process of metal as taken off its growth, giving the sculptures a flourish of leaves and a metaphor of life.
In the past years, Lam YauSum has been working largely with various metal hardware and electronic components. The sensitivity of Lam towards materials and their spatial arrangement allows the ingenious use of ready-mades such as water pipes, computer radiators, electric plugs and camping lamp in his oeuvre. Despite the bold and rugged materiality, his sculptures permeate a delicate and bucolic tranquility of cityscape. As the façade of our globe inevitably evolves along with urbanization, the artist further destabilized our perception of nature. His works are strong rhetoric on the subtle mutation of our relationship with the habitat.
參展藝術家:陳禹達 展期 Exhibition:2016.04.08-2016.05.22 地點 Place:秋刀魚藝術中心(台北市基湖路137號1樓) 開幕茶會 Opening:2016.04.09(六) 下午15:00 pm 人類與動物間有著微妙的關係,是大地共同的擁有者,是心靈安慰的陪伴者,是生命延續的供應者,當人們用了自己的聰明存活也代表〝共享者〞的犧牲,在這片土地有著太多為存活發生的故事,但往往都脫離不了人類自私下的生存傲氣,當人類在歌頌自己的偉大及價值時,可想過每種生物也有牠存在的意義及價值? 「微暖」所要表達的有兩種含意一個是人們與動物「共存」的意義,當動物表現出善意時是否我們也能以相同的溫度回應牠們?是一個擁抱、是一個撫摸、是一個輕吻…..,希望呈現人們與動物間無聲的對話,感受那股暖暖的體溫。另一個是將人比喻成動物,表達人與人之間的互動、互信那怕只是一個小小的擁抱~,將情感回歸到最初單純不猜忌的交心,重拾人與人之間的信賴感。...