《琥珀》陳穎 201

《琥珀》陳穎 2017 油畫創作個展


開幕:2017. 09.09(六)15:00 pm
地點:秋刀魚藝術中心 台北市中山區基湖路137號一樓

『我的工作方向從未改變過,就是試圖展示一種荒謬的不死性。 』──陳穎。





  • 【新天新地】   黃敏俊 2017 創作個展   展期:2017.01.05-2017.02.28 開幕:2017.01.08(日)15:00PM 地點:秋刀魚藝術中心(台北市中山區基湖路137號一樓)   以「光」探討生命真理的藝術家黃敏俊,將於1月5日到2月28日在秋刀魚藝術中心舉辦個展——《新天新地》,並於1月8日舉行開幕茶會。「當陽光照亮這世界,彩虹就像下雨般的落下來,包圍著我們。」黃敏俊以流動的光感雕塑而出立體的物件與空間,同時精準地捕捉光線映照下的自然景物。而此次個展,黃敏俊重新勾勒了人類廢棄物,讓廢棄物自「污染」的框架中解放出來,並將創作議題拓展至環保議題當中。   大地上留下的醜陋痕跡,標示著人類的肆意妄為,滿地廢棄物向來是現代社會最刻苦銘心的反照,因而備受唾棄。然而,在黃敏俊獨特的視野中,被光形塑而出的廢棄物,與藝術家筆下的萬事萬物並無不同。展名「新天新地」一詞語出聖經,意指將舊有的天地革新,成為一個極榮耀新的天地,新天新地裡沒有罪惡,也不再毀壞。透過繪畫,黃敏俊形塑了新的世界形像,縱使廢棄物依然是屬於錯誤的,卻不再受到排斥,反倒構成世界的一部分,進一步造就了新的地球景觀。   自幼的信仰潛移默化的影響了黃敏俊的世界觀,使得在厭惡當前,更多的是包容。在藝術家的筆下,自然景觀與人類造景同化為一,同樣在光著照耀下,同樣有流動的彩虹,同樣在藝術家獨特的視野中,展現生命的深度。       “A New Heaven and A New Earth” Huang Mingchun Solo Exhibition   Duration: 2017.01.05-2017.02.28 Opening: 2017.01.08 Sun. 15:00PM Venue: Fish Art Center   The solo exhibition of Huang Mingchun will open from 5th January to 28th February at Fish Art Center and the reception of this exhibition “A New Heaven and A New Earth” will be hold on 8th January. “As the sunshine lighten the world, the rainbow falls like rain to surround us.” Huang is a well-known artist for his light rendering skills. He fluently captures the objects and creates the space on canvas by light/shadow as well as precisely portrays the natural scenery that immersed in sunshine. Huang re-considers the wastes and litters by human as a main theme in his latest work-pieces, and expands his motif to the environmental protection sphere.   The theme “A New Heaven and A New Earth” is quoted from Bible, means the old world has been renewed to a glorious new one, and there’s no sin and devastation exist in the newly heaven and earth any longer. Huang manifests the newly world through his brushes, conveys that the wastes and litters have been parts of the world, and constitutes the new scene of the earth.   The notions of Huang’s works are deeply rooted from his faith. Facing the rejected ones he adopts forgiveness, the broken ones have been accepted in his paintings. Huang’s unique review delivers the depth of thoughts.